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Basic Use

This is a basic example of a sortable list. v-model:list allows data-binding between the list of fruits.

  <SlickList axis="y" v-model:list="fruits">
    <SlickItem v-for="(fruit, i) in fruits" :key="fruit" :index="i">
      {{ fruit }}

import { SlickList, SlickItem } from 'vue-slicksort';

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      fruits: ['Apples', 'Bananas' /* etc. */],

Try it out!


:key should refer to unique data, like an ID attribute, that can be used to track the item as it moves. Using the index (i) as the key is not advised and may cause unwanted rendering effects.

Slot Shorthand

If you want build sortable lists quickly, use the item scoped slot in the SlickList component. This slot will repeat for each item in the list prop. This has to be used with v-model:list or the :list prop on the container.

  <SlickList axis="y" v-model:list="list">
    <!-- Repeated for everything in 'list' -->
    <template #item="{ item }">
      {{ item }}

Horizontal List

If your lists are layed out along the X axis, pass in the axis="x" prop and it will just work! You will have to handle the actual CSS of making them horizontal, display: flex should do the trick.

<SlickList axis="x" v-model:list="fruits">
  <!-- ... -->

Using a drag handle

By default the entire list item is the handle for the drag events. This might be a problem if you have inputs or buttons or other interactive elements within the items. You can use the drag handle mixin to make any element a handle.

<SlickList axis="y" v-model:list="fruits" useDragHandle>
  <SlickItem v-for="(fruit, i) in fruits" :key="fruit" :index="i">
      <Icon name="hamburger" />
    {{ fruit }}


Slicksort will automatically autoscroll within the container if it overflows.

    <SlickList v-model:list="items" axis="y" class="long-list">
      <SlickItem v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="item" :index="index" :item="item">
        {{ item }}

import { range, random } from 'lodash-es';
import { SlickList, SlickItem } from 'vue-slicksort';

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      items: range(100).map((i) => `Item ${i}`),

<style scoped>
.long-list {
  max-height: 300px;
  overflow: auto;