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Items re-render after sort

You need to use the :key attribute on every list item, and it needs to be unique to the object you are displaying, like an id. Using index can lead to re-rendered lists because the index changes when sorting


<SlickItem v-for="(item, i) in list" :key="" :index="i"></SlickItem>


<SlickItem v-for="(item, i) in list" :key="i" :index="i"></SlickItem>

Use with transition-group

Slicksort is not compatible with transition-group because they both try to animate the positions of the nodes. Once the drag is done and the list is updated, transition-group then tries to animate everything again.

Drag helper is unstyled

Since the drag helper is appended to the body, any scoped styles will not apply. This could be the situation if your css relies on:

  • <style scoped>
  • <style module>
  • nested selectors

To fix it, either make the CSS for the list items global, or set the appendTo prop to the closest container where the styles are applied.

Click events being swallowed

By default, vue-slicksort is triggered immediately on mousedown. If you'd like to prevent this behaviour, there are a number of strategies readily available. You can use the distance prop to set a minimum distance (in pixels) to be dragged before sorting is enabled. You can also use the pressDelay prop to add a delay before sorting is enabled. Alternatively, you can also use the HandleDirective.

v-model is not working

First, make sure your "model" is bound to v-model:list. SlickSort never modifies the list prop, it will just emit a new copy of the array with the changes applied. v-model will then replace the old reference with the new one. Your list must be a ref or be set in data(). Using reactive() is not advised because it is not reactive when being overridden.

v-model bound to a property of a reactive object is fine, it just cant be bound the the object itself.


  <SlickList v-model:list="list">

export default {
  setup() {
    const list = ref([/* ... */])

    return  {


  <SlickList v-model:list="list">

export default {
  setup() {
    const list = reactive([/* ... */]) // entire object will be replaced with v-model

    return  {

Reporting Issues

If believe you've found an issue, please report it along with any relevant details to reproduce it. The easiest way to do so is to fork this jsfiddle.